Yarn along & teapot hat: better late than never

I know I’m meant to share my Yarn Along post on Wednesday, but it has been quite a busy week. At least I’ve remembered to do it now. πŸ™‚

I also thought I’d take the opportunity to share a picture of the aforementioned teapot hatΒ  made by my friend which, as I pointed out in the comments, is not shaped liked a teapot, but rather has a teapot motif. Sorry, I know you were all hoping to see a teapot on my head. I did once actually put a tea cozy on my head by accident, though fortunately there is no photographic reminder of that moment. Whew.


The teapot hat pattern is the Tea Jenny hat by Kate Davies, if you’re interested in making it yourself. My friend has made at least 3 and says it’s really easy.

I’ve finally finished the first of my knee highs and have now started the second one. These are actually a very quick knit, but as I’ve been reading instead of knitting, they are taking longer than they normally would.

I’m a pretty indiscriminate reader, so please don’t judge me for reading M.C. Beaton! I just wanted to read something quick and mindless. I read another Hamish Macbeth story ages ago & remember liking it, but this one was really disappointing. The story was fine, but I think maybe it wasn’t edited very well. Toward the end it started flitting back and forth between different characters perspectives within the same chapter, without any sort of visual distinction. It was really offputting. No more Hamish Macbeth stories for me, I think.

What have you been reading or making this week?

Find out what others are doing at the main Yarn Along page.

10 thoughts on “Yarn along & teapot hat: better late than never”

  1. I love that hat. I think I need a hat with teapots in my life. And my name is Jenny so could it be more appropriate? Now I just need to teach myself how to knit….


    1. Yes, quite! She didn’t even tell me it was called the Jenny hat, can you believe it? I can buy the pattern and knit it for you. I don’t have many skills, but knitting is one of them πŸ™‚


      1. Would you really? That is so nice of you.But only if you really don’t mind. Of course I would pay for the pattern, yarn, your time, etc. Realistically, the chances of me teaching myself how to knit are slim to none. If only we didn’t live in completely different countries I could beg you for lessons!


  2. Lovely hat! πŸ™‚ I’ve finally finished reading “All the light we cannot see” by Anthony Doerr. I didn’t quite like the first few chapters, but as the book was recommended by a friend of mine, I thought I’ll keep going and stop later, if I can’t interest myself further. I’m glad I did. It’s a very touching story, and made me wonder about many things. Nest one I’m starting this week is “Prince of Tides” by Pat Conroy. Have a great week! πŸ™‚


    1. Oh, I’ve not heard of that book. I will have to look it up! I’m glad you thought it was worthwhile. I agree that it was a slow burner, but like you I found it very moving by the end. Also, I discovered during my research for potential holidays that St. Malo is accessible from the Channel Islands, so I’ve got a trip there on my list now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I actually have visited Saint Malo last summer. It’s an amazing place! It’s even better to go there after reading a book πŸ™‚ I’m sure you will enjoy it.


  3. The teapot pattern is brilliant, you are so clever! I keep meaning to read one of those M.C. Beaton books- any sort of murder mystery is right up my street!


  4. I find it very UNFORTUNATE that there is no photographic evidence of the tea towel incident. I think you had a typo there when you said it was fortunate that no such evidence exists. :-p


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